When the Dutch disco rollerskating evildoer Goldmember describes Austin Power's body as "tight as a tiger," it was, well, a little creepy. Are tigers even tight? I really have no idea. But what I do know is that if you're in the saddle a lot, you're getting "tight as a rider." Every rider I know has tight hips, thanks to the forward-leaning, crouched position that causes our hip flexors to tighten and shorten. It's often the source of back pain since it can make your pelvis to tilt forward and cause your lower back to arch more than it should.
Whether you're an elite athlete or a sometimes exerciser, your body is the only way for you to achieve your own peak performance. Here are some of the best exercises to loosen your hips and give your muscles a chance to function the best they can.
Warrior II Stance
Place your legs about 4-5 feet apart. Right foot is turned out 90 degrees, parallel with the wall; left foot turned in at 45 degrees. Bend your right knee as close to 90 degrees as you can, keeping the left leg straight. Raise your arms to shoulder height, parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Exhale and bend your front knee. Align your knee directly over the ankle of your front foot. Sink your hips low, eventually bringing your front thigh parallel to the floor. Hold for up to a minute.
Triangle Pose
Put your feet 3-4 feet apart, turning the right foot out 90 degrees and the left foot slightly in. Feel a firmness in the right buttock and externally rotate the thigh to align the knee with the foot. Maintaining the elongation of the spine, tip the pelvis over the right thigh, reach the right arm as far as you can, and allow the hand to rest on your shin, ankle or foot (wherever your comfort level is). Hold. (To perform this pose correctly, a contraction of the deep hip rotators is required to align the femur, knee and foot. )
Crescent Pose
Step back with the left foot, bend the right knee to a right angle (keeping the right ankle directly under the right knee) and carefully place the left knee on the floor. Place your hands on your right thigh and open through the right hip flexor. If you can, take your hands to the floor on the inside of the right foot. Hold this deep hip stretch for 1–2 minutes before changing sides.
Bound Angle Pose
In a seated position, bend your knees, bring your feet together and draw your heels in toward your groin. Clasp your feet with your hands and open your feet like a book, simultaneously opening your knees away from each other. Slowly fold forward, hinging from the hips. Stay here for at least one minute, breathing into the abdomen.

Happy Baby Pose
Lie on your back and hold onto the outside of your feet. Pull your feet down, opening the hips, and draw your knees as close to the sides of the ribs as possible. Keep your spine long and the tailbone pressing toward the ground. Breathe and hold the pose for 1–3 minutes.

Whether you're an elite athlete or a sometimes exerciser, your body is the only way for you to achieve your own peak performance. Here are some of the best exercises to loosen your hips and give your muscles a chance to function the best they can.

Place your legs about 4-5 feet apart. Right foot is turned out 90 degrees, parallel with the wall; left foot turned in at 45 degrees. Bend your right knee as close to 90 degrees as you can, keeping the left leg straight. Raise your arms to shoulder height, parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Exhale and bend your front knee. Align your knee directly over the ankle of your front foot. Sink your hips low, eventually bringing your front thigh parallel to the floor. Hold for up to a minute.
Triangle Pose
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Triangle Pose |
Put your feet 3-4 feet apart, turning the right foot out 90 degrees and the left foot slightly in. Feel a firmness in the right buttock and externally rotate the thigh to align the knee with the foot. Maintaining the elongation of the spine, tip the pelvis over the right thigh, reach the right arm as far as you can, and allow the hand to rest on your shin, ankle or foot (wherever your comfort level is). Hold. (To perform this pose correctly, a contraction of the deep hip rotators is required to align the femur, knee and foot. )

Step back with the left foot, bend the right knee to a right angle (keeping the right ankle directly under the right knee) and carefully place the left knee on the floor. Place your hands on your right thigh and open through the right hip flexor. If you can, take your hands to the floor on the inside of the right foot. Hold this deep hip stretch for 1–2 minutes before changing sides.
Bound Angle Pose
In a seated position, bend your knees, bring your feet together and draw your heels in toward your groin. Clasp your feet with your hands and open your feet like a book, simultaneously opening your knees away from each other. Slowly fold forward, hinging from the hips. Stay here for at least one minute, breathing into the abdomen.

Happy Baby Pose
Lie on your back and hold onto the outside of your feet. Pull your feet down, opening the hips, and draw your knees as close to the sides of the ribs as possible. Keep your spine long and the tailbone pressing toward the ground. Breathe and hold the pose for 1–3 minutes.

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